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In these unprecedented times, Northside is committed to the health and safety of all our families, our future families and our community. We have developed an ever evolving set of information, policy and resource collection to share.

 As always, we invite every family to contact us, should there be any questions. 


PLEASE remember that during the ever changing and evolving information, we have the right to change policies and health driven mandates at any time for any reason to protect the best interest of everyone.

Pandemic Protocols



Child care programs in BC are licensed and regulated through the Ministry of Health and child care licensing.  As a result, Northside may be directed by a child care licensing officer, Worksafe BC or the ministry of health to close operations during a pandemic or other communicable disease outbreak.  

Northside will follow all directives provided from the Ministry of Health.    

The legal authority to close a child care program for public health reasons falls under the local Medical Health Officer and the Provincial Health Officer and their decision overrules any decision to stay open that an individual daycare or parents may wish to make.

In addition to that, Northside has been given the authority and responsibility to close at any juncture voluntarily should we feel there is any risk for safety in continuing operations, or if any family poses a threat to safety for others.


Child care ratios are required during operation, regardless of a pandemic or communicable disease outbreak. In the event that enough employees are unable to come into work or are in quarantine and ratio is not able to be met, Northside may be required to close, or to reduce operational hours or rotating days off between children.  This decision would be made as required, and would be communicated with parents in writing, via email.

In conjunction with WORSAFE BC, children drop off’s and picks ups are staggered, therefore we must insist strict schedules and open communication be available at all times.


In collaborative efforts with Government and Public Health Direction the following policies have been developed for the safety and best interest of all. These policies are fluid and subject to change at a moment’s notice, given the ever evolving situations with our community, public health and direction from governing bodies. We also take into account our ability to run safety, protecting all children and families in our center as well as the best interest our family and staff.  Final determination of any policy and decision is that of the childcare provider and is non-negotiable as we feel that in our best efforts to provide safe childcare services we require the full cooperation and understanding of the polices from every family. Those being lax or not fully complying with policies can be terminated immediately.

Policies are also in alliance and collaboration with all governing authorities such as public health, Worksafe BC, childcare licensing and the Province of BC.


Understanding the Risk (Worksafe BC, 2020)

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads in several ways, including through droplets when a person coughs or sneezes, and from touching a contaminated surface before touching the face.

Higher risk situations require adequate protocols to address the risk.


  • The risk of person-to-person transmission is increased the closer you come to other people, the amount of time you spend near them, and the number of people you come near.

Physical distancing measures help mitigate this risk.

  • The risk of surface transmission is increased when many people contact same surface, and when those contacts happen in short intervals of time. Effective cleaning and hygiene practices help mitigate this risk.





Reduce Hours in Daycare When Possible

If anyone can stay home, pick up early or minimize daycare hours at all, please do so.

Again the least amount of exposure from each person protects us all. Social responsibility and personal distancing is a prevention measure that is very important for everyone. Also every second counts so that staff does not burn out from the added sterilization time required for the facility. Worksafe BC has added that scheduled time needs to be carved out for proper sanitization in the day. Therefore reducing actual hours when children are in attendance allows us more time to use proper sanitization materials and cleaners safely.



  • Under no circumstances will children, parents, and caregivers (ANYONE IN THE HOSEHOLD) enter the daycare if they have symptoms of COVID-19.

  • All health and illness policies have been clear in ensuring that only children 100% healthy may attend daycare.

  • At drop off, we must have declaration daily of confirmation that children do not have symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other respiratory disease.

​WE ABSOLUTELY CANNOT accept a child at drop off if the answer is yes to any symptoms.

  • Children must be assessed daily for the presence of symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease prior to drop off.

  • Workers with symptoms of COVID-19 must be excluded from work, stay home, and self-isolate 

  • Children who become ill or show any symptoms at daycare must be picked up immediately (within an hour). They will be cared for and isolated to the best possible manner while at the daycare until they are retrieved by a parent. The illness policies would be followed.

  • If the daycare staff develops symptoms of any sort while at daycare and during such a time that child are in care, all parents will be notified and required to pick up children immediately. Until such time that children can be retrieved, social distancing will be maintained for everyone’s protection to the best our ability while maintaining safety.

  • ​


  • At this time, we ask that all families maintain a minimum 6’ distance from the front door at pick up and drop off. Adults will remain OUTSIDE at all times.

  • Families that need to pass off infants MUST WEAR a mask if they are closer than 6’ from the door.

  • All families need to assist children at the outdoor sink. Children must wash hands PRIOR to entry.

PLEASE NOTE that pick-ups may take significantly longer as we will need time to assist your child with shoes, or hand washing prior to answering the door.


To minimize your wait time, feel free to text us for a heads up.


Parents must absolutely be prompt and precise with these times as we will be staggering parent arrangements to minimize exposure to one another.

At drop off or pick up, if another family is still on-site, please remain in your vehicle or at a minimum of 6’ of that family.



All parent visits, gradual entry and center tours to the center will be cancelled and not permitted until further notice, and when permitted will be limited and arranged on a case by case basis with provisions and directives to ensure safety at all times. Virtual tours and online access as well as video conferencing calls and apps will be arranged upon request.



We are happy and flexible to chat with families over any technological media you find comfortable to manage day to day interactions. We are now familiar with facetime, good ole regular phone calls, zoom and sort of familiar with Microsoft teams. We DO NOT accept any responsibility for any compromise of technological security.


ENGINEERING CONTROLS- Barriers and Strategies

SOCIAL DISTANCING for families and staff

  • Workers will maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from each other. Where this is not possible, for example when transferring a very young child from one worker to another, plan and communicate the work task in advance to ensure that time spent in close proximity is minimized.

  • Occupancy limits are in effect, so scheduled children are on a first come, first serve basis and all requests for care may not be granted.

  • For small areas or rooms we implement schedules and activities to spread the children out as much as possible. We do not allow parents on site at this time.

  • We will stagger bathroom breaks and diaper changes when safe and possible.

  • It is not always possible for workers to maintain physical distance from children, and between children, when in care. We will adhere to the principle of physical distancing where possible, by:

    • Minimizing the frequency of direct physical contact with children.

    • Forming a number of separate play areas in order to space children apart. Note that children who live in the same home do not need to maintain physical distance from each other.

    • Creating smaller groups or cohorts of children and keeping these groups separate from each other.

    • Minimizing the number of different workers that interact with the same child or group of children.

    • Organizing snack/meal areas to space children apart.

    • Organizing nap areas to space children apart and placing children head-to-toe or toe-to-toe.

    • Staggering snack/meal and nap times.

    • Including the use of outdoor space for various activities, including snack/meal time, while adhering to physical distancing and hygiene principles.


Staggering pick-ups and drop offs

We request parents and families maintain a minimum of 6’ from anyone at any time on our property please. Please schedule your time for drop offs and pick-ups and remain distanced from other families when possible. Also that we greatly appreciate the promptness of drop off and pick up times, as Worksafe BC Guidelines state that increased time on site is a direct increase of risk.


We will make attempts with scheduling ---this is even more important than before, therefore you must request your minimal hours and be on time as you would have to for any other schedules prior to the pandemic. Late fees will apply.


          Respect the right for all families to have minimal contact with you and your family!


Realistically you each have contact with a multitude of different environments, work, shopping etc. in the community... altogether this adds to the risk factor so please minimize your exposure here.


Your bubble is now our bubble! PLEASE UNDERSATAND that everyone in your personal circle is now a part of the personal circles of us and every child and their families at daycare.


PLEASE practice social distancing and safe practice in your personal and family lives and take all added precautions for the best interest of everyone at daycare and everyone in our community. Your added safety affects us all! If at any time, you circle of contacts becomes too large, you may become a risk and for the safety of all daycare families, as well as our own family, you may be cancelled services to minimize exposure and contacts.


Also please do NOT “driveway” socialize. If you happen to mix times with another family, please respect everyone’s space and comfort level and save socializing for appropriates times and places in a safe manner. Polite mannerisms could mask underlying anxieties and we need to ensure we reserve our social times for online, telephone or safer practice for the time being.




Young children do not know how to social distance very well. We don’t expect a high success rate in teaching and reiterating that, but we will separate activities and make every attempt to minimize clusters whenever possible. We realize the importance of positively creating a learning environment of respect for all and we hope to show children beneficial and safe ways for the most part to interact with each other in a safe and emotionally nurturing way.  


e will also ensure that children spend as much time as possible outdoors for the benefit of everyone.



Children need assistance, infants and toddlers need diapering, potty support and if upset will need to be held or picked up. Children are social creatures and will need safe interactions with staff so social distancing is not possible. 



Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for STAFF


  • COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Child Care Settings states that personal protective equipment, such as masks and gloves will be used as part of regular precautions for the hazards normally encountered in their regular course of work.

  • Where PPE has been identified for tasks prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will continue to use this PPE when performing these tasks.

  • We wear disposable gloves when cleaning body fluids (e.g., runny nose, vomit, stool, urine) and when diapering.

  • PPE is utilized for cleaning and disinfection.

  • Staff wears masks when indoors



Health and Hygiene Practices

Our regular health and hygiene practices provide some of the best defenses against the spread of most contagious illnesses. In addition to regular and thorough cleaning, surfaces and toys, we teach children good hand-washing practices and ensure that children and adults take important precautions against the spread of germs.

In this pandemic scenario we ask that:


You can work with your children to practice some of these same steps at home:


  • Wash hands often with soap and water 

  • Sneeze or cough into your elbow; or cover mouth and nose with a tissue before sneezing or coughing, then immediately discard the tissue. 

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people

  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, especially if someone is sick

  • Wash daycare exposed clothes once arriving at home to protect your own household



We are increasing handwashing and using social stories and direct teacher instruction with children to promote healthy handwashing habits.


Children will be required to adhere to regular and strict hand washing guidelines. Scrubbing prior to rinsing must be for a minimum of 20-30 seconds and handwashing must occur upon arrival after using the washroom, before eating, and at any other intervals of the day that transpire with contact, a change in environment or possible contamination risks with other children or if face touching, coughing, sneezing, nose picking or any risk behavior occurs. We will follow/or exceed recommendations from BCCDC, WHO and PHO for handwashing protocols. As follows:


  • We Require workers to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including:

  • Before and after handling food , preparing bottles or feeding children

    • Before and after giving or applying medication or ointment to a child or self

    • After changing diapers

    • After assisting a child to use the toilet

    • After using the toilet

    • After contact with body fluids (e.g., runny noses, spit, vomit, blood)

    • Before donning and after doffing personal protective equipment

    • After cleaning tasks

    • After handling garbage

    • Whenever hands are visibly dirty

  • When they arrive at the daycare and before they go home 

  • We Support children to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including:

    • When they arrive at daycare and before they go home

    • Before and after eating and drinking

    • After a diaper change

    • After using the toilet

    • After playing outside

    • After handling pets and animals

    • After sneezing or coughing

    • Whenever hands are visibly dirty

  • We help provide education and direction to workers and children to:

    • Cough or sneeze into their elbow sleeve or a tissue.

    • Throw away used tissues and immediately perform hand hygiene.

    • Not touch their eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.






  • ABSOLUTELY NO STUFFIES or TOYS brought to daycare during this time! NOT EVEN NAP STUFFIES. PLEASE BRING NOTHING that isn’t requested.




  • As always- any family that is suspect to “dose and drop” (child given any form of over the counter medication that may minimize or mask symptoms) will be immediately terminated regardless of if it was an accident, suspected teething, allergies or someone “FORGOT”!

  • If a child has OTC medication or ANY medication whatsoever 48 hours prior to daycare- they MAY NOT ATTEND!

  • All medication administered to a child MUST BE DISCLOSED to the daycare PRIOR to being onsite at the daycare.

  • Those families that adhere to household mandates of social distancing and safe practices at ALL times when out at work or in the community. Please ensure that any activity you have protects yourself and even if you have no symptoms, you could carry and transmit to your child, household or others. Your safe practices matter to us all.  


Staff Protection

In addition to our regular work day, we have added hours of intense cleaning and sanitizing.  These added tasks, in addition to the mental load of protective measures and increased documentation of all involved jobs relating to the childcare day, which adds substantial time to the day that parents do not see.

Therefore, I ask that pick up time be prompt and on time at all times. Late fees may be implemented to ensure that absolutely every effort is made by all to minimize daycare hours, exposure and risks to all involved.

 Unfortunately social contacts will be limited so if you wish to have any discussions regarding childcare, schedules, or anything further, I ask that they be limited to phone calls, texts, videoconferencing and emails only at this time. Drop offs and pick-ups will be extremely brief.  

The new practice is necessary for the protection of all. We will be strongly limiting on site verbal conversations to mitigate risks for all as per Worksafe BC and Prov. Of BC PHO guidance and may be minimizing operating hours to accommodate all necessary precautions.


Meals and snacks


  • Do not allow sharing of food or drink by workers or children.

  • Do not use self-serve and family-style meal service. We will provide snacks and meals directly to children in individual servings.

  • Do not allow children to participate in food preparation.

  • Reusable dishware, glasses, and utensils will be cleaned and sanitized after each use.

Because we are limiting exposure in the house, there may come a time when parents are required to provide their child’s own foods at daycare. For now this is NOT REQUIRED AND WE CURRENTLY ASK THAT YOU DO NOT BRING ANY ITEMS FROM HOME OTHER THAN A BAG WITH CHANGES OF CLOTHING and required items- diaper, wipes, sun hat, etc.. But should this circumstance change, in such an instance, you will be notified and all foods brought in will need to follow the guidelines listed:

  • As usual- no juice, sugar drinks, candy, chokable items

  • Nothing that would require a fridge or to be heated

  • All Children would be required to bring all needed utensils and eating items

  • All items would be in a container or bag that will be placed out the door )if not disposable) for retrieval at pick up time.

  • Items will NOT BE WASHED prior to return.



  • All door knobs, taps, light switches, and gate handles will be bleached a minimum of twice daily. This will include and extend to the doorbell, mailbox and anything each family comes into contact with.

  •  Toilets and change tables are sprayed after each use. And floors and tables are bleached at minimum the end of each day. And any toys touched will be cleaned daily or between children. Any objects mouthed will be placed in a yukky bin and not utilized until sanitized.  End of the day clean down is lengthy, cumbersome and time consuming, but ensures the next day we are ready for operation if needed. We will clean and disinfect cots and cribs after each use, and launder crib linens between children.

  • We clean and disinfect diapering stations after each use.

  • When holding young children, for example when feeding or rocking to sleep, we use a blanket or cloth to cover clothing. We change blankets or cloths between children.

  • We maintain an adequate supply of cleaning and disinfection products and materials.


  • We are using a Ministry of Health-approved sanitizing solution to sanitize the facility and all equipment.  Information about approved sanitizing solutions can be found here:

  • ​

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) BC public health guidance for schools and childcare programs (page 10)



All children with symptoms of any sort will be reported and logged.


Health and Wellness Policy


Our health and wellness policy continues to apply during a pandemic or communicable disease outbreak, however additional restrictions may apply, based on government/licensing officer directives. This may include but not limited to, extending our required at home "symptom -free" time period for any child that presents symptoms that are listed in the health and illness policy or any other symptoms we feel are concerning or require children with these symptoms to remain home.  Any changes to our health and illness policy during a pandemic or other communicable disease outbreak will be communicated in writing, via email and will link to the authorized source of information, when available, that our temporary change is based on. Below we have included the 14 day symptom free period for ALL and ANY symptoms of any sort for the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes and extends to ALL members of the household unit regardless of if your child is absent from symptoms. Therefore if someone in your home has any symptoms. Do NOT have your child attend for 14 days. After such time, please contact the daycare to provide a risk assessment and determine the eligibility for return.


  •   Individual Exclusions
    In the event that the Ministry of Health provides a regional or provincial quarantine recommendation for individuals, whether due to international travel, linkage to potential exposures or linkage to individual symptoms, Northside Childcare Facility will adhere to this recommendation and require all children and families to comply.  These exclusions will apply equally to all children, families, and employees. In the event this occurs, all relevant information will be shared directly with families.

    The health and well-being of our families and staff are our highest priorities. In the interest of limiting the opportunity for transmission to our vulnerable community, we are taking the following precautionary measures.




Household members include individuals who may not live in the household but may be staying there or are otherwise present in the household on a regular basis (e.g. nannies, caregivers, home health workers, contractors, etc.) and includes anyone with pick-up or drop-off privileges at the center.


Close contact is defined by the CDC as (1) being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a COVID-19 case for a prolonged period of time and can occur while caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a health care waiting area or room with a COVID-19 case, or (2) having direct contact with infectious secretions of a COVID-19 case (e.g., being coughed on). Considerations when assessing close contact include the duration of exposure and the clinical symptoms of the person with COVID-19.


  • For Medical Professionals: If contact occurs while wearing recommended personal protective equipment or PPE (e.g., gowns, gloves, NIOSH-certified disposable N95 respirator, eye protection), that contact will NOT be considered close contact for purposes of this policy.



When we refer to exclusion symptoms, we will include ALL symptoms listed for usual exclusions in our regular health policy in addition to those listed by BCCDC specific to COVID-19. Any and all symptoms pose a significant risk in daycare settings because each child in daycare potentially can carry or expose a multitude of families while attending daycare. Due to the risks involved, we exercise the right to ensure that ALL Symptoms are reasons for maximum exclusion periods. 


 Fees during pandemic / Communicable disease closures


During the Government initiative to help maintain daycare viability, we have altered policies for protection of all and to assist families.


As of August 31, 2020, you will be required to pay regular monthly fees regardless of your usage as per regular policy. Two months written notification for any cancellation of service continues to apply as per regular contract unless the Government once again initiates a TEF initiative. However when funding stops and TEF has ceased, if you are still not back to work or your job circumstances have changed and you find yourself unemployed, please contact us and discuss your intention and your space will be discussed on a case by case situation.




 We Reserve the right and responsibility to:


            SEE FIT.

•           Have the right and responsibility to minimize children on site and will only accept the  

            children for the absolute minimum number of time as per prearranged. Families can

            essentially request the absolute minimal number of hours and we can choose to agree or


•           Prioritize access to spaces (as able and needed) to provide care in response to community

need. This may include adjusting days/hours of operations, accommodating the child care needs of temporary essential service workers, relocating to an alternate/centralized location if necessary and reasonable possible, etc. (usually a group facility right).



Individual Exclusions


In the event that the Ministry of Health provides a regional or provincial quarantine recommendation for individuals - be it due to international travel, linked to potential exposures, or linked to individual symptoms, Northside will require all families and children to comply with this recommendation.  In the event this occurs, the Ministry of Health will provide our child care program with written information; this recommendation will be shared directly with families.  These exclusions will apply equally to all children, families and employees.

Non Biased Inclusive Approach


Fear based responses in times of pandemic or other communicable disease outbreak, have historically led to actions stemming from bias, misinformed and self-protective measures. Not only can these measures lead to conflict between parents, childcare educators, and community members, they can also lead to actions rooted in racism.  Northside Childcare Facility has an inclusive based approach and works to be a safe space for all children and families and as such will not tolerate acts of racism or bigotry towards any child, parent, employee or community member. Any such acts may be subject to an immediate dismissal from our program.


Authorized Sources of Information


A pandemic or localized communicable disease outbreak is subject to governance by official sources including our childcare licensing officers, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Children and Family Development, and the federal government. While we appreciate that social media and news sources provide an extensive amount of information, we will respond to official authorized sources of information only. 



Protocols for child care



The Government is taking steps to protect those providing essential services by ensuring they cannot be held liable for damages caused by exposure to COVID-19 caused by continuing to operate, so long as they are complying with orders from the provincial health officer and other regulatory bodies. This order applies to all essential services, including child care centers.


THEREFORE families MUST agree to all implemented new amendments and understand that we are not liable for exposure and you have your child enter at your own risk.






 Authorized sources of information

A pandemic or localized communicable disease outbreak is subject to governance by official sources:  our child care licensing officers, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Children and Families, and the federal government.  While we appreciate that social media and news sources provide an extensive amount of information, we will respond to official, authorized sources of information only.  


Here are some useful links to assist you in staying informed:


In this time of uncertainty, we must continue to keep ourselves calm and informed, follow the advice of health professionals and cooperate in our efforts to address the COVD-19 pandemic and health crisis.   



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